Advent of Code 2015: Probably a Fire Hazard

April 1, 2020

The sixth Advent of Code challenge has some decent complexity compared to the last couple problems. It gave me a great opportunity to poke at Ruby’s class functionality to see how method overrides work and how the language attempts to solve the expression problem. There is a lot of code in this post making it a fairly dense read, so I would suggest taking it on in two sittings.

Part A: Large-Scale Lite-Brite

This problem has a longer description to tease requirements from and is a good example of how problem questions can be wrapped in verbiage. It’s great practice for problem statement comprehension because real-world problems rarely have requirements laid out in a directly implementable manner.

Because your neighbors keep defeating you in the holiday house decorating contest year after year, you’ve decided to deploy one million lights in a 1000x1000 grid.

Furthermore, because you’ve been especially nice this year, Santa has mailed you instructions on how to display the ideal lighting configuration.

Lights in your grid are numbered from 0 to 999 in each direction; the lights at each corner are at 0,0, 0,999, 999,999, and 999,0. The instructions include whether to turn on, turn off, or toggle various inclusive ranges given as coordinate pairs. Each coordinate pair represents opposite corners of a rectangle, inclusive; a coordinate pair like 0,0 through 2,2 therefore refers to 9 lights in a 3x3 square. The lights all start turned off.

To defeat your neighbors this year, all you have to do is set up your lights by doing the instructions Santa sent you in order.

After following the instructions, how many lights are lit?

Advent of Code, 2015, Day 6

That’s a lot of text, but I think it’s best distilled as the following:

If we can implement all of that then we can determine how many lights are lit after following all of the input instructions. Those input instructions look something like this:

.input {commit-1}/input#L6[source] [source]

turn off 301,3 through 808,453
turn on 351,678 through 951,908
toggle 720,196 through 897,994

My first thought is to turn them into an ordered list of data with a symbol representing the instruction and two points representing the rectangle to act upon. I’ve written a few tests to ensure that point parsing and instruction parsing inside the parse_line method work correctly.

def test_parse_line
  assert parse_line('turn on 0,0 through 999,999'), [
    :on,, 0),, 999)
  assert parse_line('toggle 0,0 through 999,0'), [
    :toggle,, 0),, 0)
  assert parse_line('turn off 499,499 through 500,500'), [
    :off,, 499),, 500)

The Point class used here is not very exciting and is implemented in a single statement: Point =, :y). To parse each line a regular expression can be associated to each instruction symbol and the numeric point components can be captured. The regular expressions turn out to be very legible, if a little verbose.

  on: /turn on (\d+),(\d+) through (\d+),(\d+)/,
  off: /turn off (\d+),(\d+) through (\d+),(\d+)/,
  toggle: /toggle (\d+),(\d+) through (\d+),(\d+)/

All parse_line will have to handle is selecting the right regular expression and processing its data. As soon as we find a regular expression match we return the symbol value from MATCHERS with the resultant points from the captured integers.

def parse_line(line)
  MATCHERS.each do |k, re|
    m = line.match(re)
    next unless m
    ps = make_points(m.captures)
    return ps.prepend(k)

Finally, for parsing the instruction data we need to create the Point instances from the given numeric capture data in the make_points method; I’ve chosen to just manually construct the points.

def make_points(captures)
  ps =
  [[0], ps[1]),[2], ps[3])]

The next component of the solution to build is something to handle processing the instructions and manipulating the light grid. For this I want to base the solution around Ruby’s class system, so the tests for the LightGrid class, with a grid visualization, exercise each of the issuable instructions.

def test_lightgrid
  g = 2, cols: 2)
  #   0 1
  # 0 - -
  # 1 - -
  assert g.count, 0

  #   0 1
  # 0 + -
  # 1 + -
  g.turn_on(, 0),, 1))
  assert g.count, 2

  #   0 1
  # 0 + -
  # 1 - -
  g.turn_off(, 1),, 1))
  assert g.count, 1

  #   0 1
  # 0 - +
  # 1 + +
  g.toggle(, 0),, 1))
  assert g.count, 3

Let’s start with the initialize method for the calls to LightGrid#new which need to instantiate our grid to the correct size and ensure the lights are off by default.

def initialize(rows: 1_000, cols: 1_000)
  @grid = [false] * rows * cols
  @cols = cols

The next error from the test method indicates that count isn’t a method on the LightGrid class and I want it to return the number of lights which are on.

def count

Since I’ve used false to represent a light which is off and true to represent a light which is on I can filter the grid of lights using Object#itself to keep only the true values. This might be a little confusing, so let’s break down what actually happens:

I feel like Ruby may have a better method for this, something that is more explicit and easily understood, but I don’t currently know it.

The final three instruction methods are all very similar, so I will only show the turn_on method here, but you can see the other two by following the source link.

def turn_on(origin, bound)
  for y in origin.y..bound.y
    offset = @cols * y
    for x in origin.x..bound.x
      @grid[offset + x] = true

Here’s where the two-dimensional coordinates are converted into one-dimensional indexes for the @grid array by using two nested for-loops. If you’ve never seen a two-dimensional array compressed into a one-dimensional array, just picture all the rows of the two-dimensional array side-by-side within the one-dimensional array. You navigate to a particular row by moving in multiples of the column count and then navigate the row itself by adding the column.

With the LightGrid class complete the last remaining step is to wire everything together in the solve_a method. I want to test the wiring works correctly because there’s a decent amount of written code in this solution, with some copy-paste repetition that will eventually need to be cleaned up.

def test_solve_a
  g = 2, cols: 2)
  input = <<~data
    turn on 0,0 through 0,1
    turn off 0,1 through 1,1
    toggle 0,0 through 1,1
  assert solve_a(g, input), 3

The solve_a method should take a LightGrid and the instruction input, parse that instruction input, apply the instructions to the LightGrid, and return the count of lights which are on. It sounds like a lot, but it ends up being 11 lines of code.

def solve_a(grid, input)
  input.split("\n").map { |l| parse_line(l) }.each do |action, origin, bound|
    case action
    when :on
      grid.turn_on(origin, bound)
    when :off
      grid.turn_off(origin, bound)
    when :toggle
      grid.toggle(origin, bound)

After much work we can now solve the first part of this challenge.

$ run -y 2015 -q 6 -a

Making It Better

The solution works, but there are two things that bug me greatly about what I’ve created, and we’re going to fix them before moving onto Part B. Firstly, there is a large amount of duplication in the LightGrid class which exists because I copy-pasted the methods to implement them quickly. Secondly, the Point class is a primary data type for this problem and the way it’s instantiated via, Y) is a little verbose. I feel that the .new syntax, in this case, takes legibility away from the semantic concept of a point.

To solve the first problem, I consolidated the @grid navigation logic within a private method called change_state which defers the light manipulation logic to a block using yield.

def change_state(origin, bound)
  for y in origin.y..bound.y
    offset = @cols * y
    for x in origin.x..bound.x
      @grid[offset + x] = yield @grid[offset + x]

The critical thing to understand in this method is that the yield keyword handles the sending and receiving of data for a block. The instruction handling methods all collapse into a single statement and pass a slightly different block into the change_state call.

def turn_on(origin, bound)
  change_state(origin, bound) { true }

def turn_off(origin, bound)
  change_state(origin, bound) { false }

def toggle(origin, bound)
  change_state(origin, bound) { |b| !b }

The second problem is solved by — at least considered by myself to be – a very neat Ruby idiom which overrides [] via a class method. Once we’ve done this a point will no longer have to be constructed using, y), instead we can use the more readable syntax of Point[x, y].

Point =, :y) do
  def self.[](x, y), y)

You can see that this doesn’t actually eliminate the .new method, it only hides it behind a better interface for creating such a primary data type. Maybe you think this is going a bit overboard, but I think that legibility of solutions is something that should not be sacrificed unless absolutely necessary.

Part B: Bright & Intense

The refactorings are out of the way and we can begin working on the second part of this problem; the second portion is just as verbose which means more practice at problem statement comprehension.

You just finish implementing your winning light pattern when you realize you mistranslated Santa’s message from Ancient Nordic Elvish.

The light grid you bought actually has individual brightness controls; each light can have a brightness of zero or more. The lights all start at zero.

The phrase turn on actually means that you should increase the brightness of those lights by 1.

The phrase turn off actually means that you should decrease the brightness of those lights by 1, to a minimum of zero.

The phrase toggle actually means that you should increase the brightness of those lights by 2.

What is the total brightness of all lights combined after following Santa’s instructions?

Advent of Code, 2015, Day 6

The description indicates that only the instruction meanings have changed, and that we should find the total brightness of all the lights for the solution. The new instruction meanings, for the specified rectangle, are:

Aside from these requirements, we’re going to need to create some kind of base class for our solution so that parts A and B can share an interface to pass instructions into a light grid. I’m going to turn LightGrid into the interface class and move its functionality into a class called SwitchLightGrid since part A contained lights that could only be on or off.

The first change to make is inside the LightGrid initialization method — I need to remove the hard-coded false value from the @grid initialization code. The simplest solution is to push that value into the constructor, which is exactly what I’ve done.

def initialize(val, rows: 1_000, cols: 1_000)
  @grid = [val] * rows * cols
  @cols = cols

The second change is to remove the instruction action method implementations and replace them with a NotImplementedError. This will allow LightGrid to effectively function as a base class without the ability to be used as a concrete grid in the rest of the code.

def turn_on(origin, bound)
  raise NotImplementedError

def turn_off(origin, bound)
  raise NotImplementedError

def toggle(origin, bound)
  raise NotImplementedError

All that functionality we just removed gets pushed into the new SwitchLightGrid class which extends the LightGrid as a base class. What you should notice is that no functionality has really changed within this new class — it still calls change_state and passes in blocks which work on booleans.

class SwitchLightGrid < LightGrid
  def initialize(rows: 1_000, cols: 1_000)
    super(false, rows: rows, cols: cols)

  def count

  def turn_on(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { true }

  def turn_off(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { false }

  def toggle(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { |b| !b }

The flexibility change_state has from taking a block argument will help with implementing the grid for the second part of this challenge. That grid will require the use of integers, instead of booleans, and those blocks will implement slightly different transformations of the light values.

I’ve decided to call the new grid DimmableLightGrid since the instructions increase and decrease the brightness of each light. The tests for it are identical to the previous grid and highlights how this grid functions in a completely different manner.

def test_dimmablelightgrid
  g = 2, cols: 2)
  #   0 1
  # 0 0 0
  # 1 0 0
  assert g.brightness, 0

  #   0 1
  # 0 1 0
  # 1 1 0
  g.turn_on(Point[0, 0], Point[0, 1])
  assert g.brightness, 2

  #   0 1
  # 0 1 0
  # 1 0 0
  g.turn_off(Point[0, 1], Point[1, 1])
  assert g.brightness, 1

  #   0 1
  # 0 3 2
  # 1 2 2
  g.toggle(Point[0, 0], Point[1, 1])
  assert g.brightness, 9

The brightness value changes in ways very different to the on and off states of the previous grid and I have included comments representing the grid for clarity again.

class DimmableLightGrid < LightGrid
  def initialize(rows: 1_000, cols: 1_000)
    super(0, rows: rows, cols: cols)

  def brightness

  def turn_on(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { |i| i + 1 }

  def turn_off(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { |i| 0.max(i - 1) }

  def toggle(origin, bound)
    change_state(origin, bound) { |i| i + 2 }

This turned out rather well, without much complexity to creating a new light grid, and it mirrors the requirements list in an explicit fashion. The one piece of additional complexity is the Integer#max method, but I think it pulls its own weight here because without it I would either need an additional line of code within the block to hold the decremented value, or I would need to create an array to call Array#max.

This little piece of nice looking code is because Ruby solves the expression problem via open classes — in true object-oriented style, every single class in Ruby is open for your code to modify.

class Integer
  def max(i)
    self > i ? self : i

The other minor trick here is that the method parameter doubles as a storage location for the decremented value which allows the grid code to avoid creating its own temporary storage.

Last, but certainly not least, I’ve refactored the original solve_a method into one called solve_worker without changing the implementation at all. The solve_a and our new solve_b method both now rely on the solve_worker method to drive changes to their grid classes and only return the problem solution.

def solve_a(grid, input)
  solve_worker(grid, input)

def solve_b(grid, input)
  solve_worker(grid, input)

The final thing to do is to run the solution to get our answer to Part B.

$ run -y 2015 -q 6 -b

Not So Light-Weight

This problem involved a lot more testing than previous solutions, but I was also able to explore some pretty fundamental parts of Ruby. Thankfully the solution was not too complicated even though the write-up was dramatically longer than others.