Improving at Writing

February 1, 2022

I’ve felt that I need to get better at writing for awhile, but I wasn’t sure how to begin the improvement process. So I did what I always do and turned to DuckDuckGo in the hopes of unearthing advice. In hindsight, this was a bad idea because everyone has opinions on what resources are the best and the popular answers are dependent on genre.

Among the large amount of advice a few books continuously popped up, so I figured why not buy them and see what they’re about. Those books are “The Elements of Style” by Strunk & White and “On Writing Well” by Zinsser.1

My hope is that I can learn enough from them to improve the precision of my writing, both for myself and my daily work. The majority of my day-to-day job involves communicating with others and I would like to be more effective. I expect that as I continue my career my job will continually become more communication focused, so hopefully this is an investment that will compound.

  1. I’m betting anyone with an English major probably could have guessed these. ↩︎